I realize it's been awhile since last we met, but first things first: I have to admit it, I sweat like a pig.
When I come in from a run, seriously, I could've been out in a thunderstorm - you couldn't tell the difference. And it doesn't stop when I stop. Oh no! Unless I hop in the shower straight away, I'll be drippity-dripping from my hair, down my nose and into my oatmeal if I'm not careful. It's the grossest thing ever, and I'm still not used to it.
Sweat. Perspiration. Or, my personal favorite, "glistening" (a sweet little ladylike term that wholly does not apply to what my bod does when I run)...whatever you want to call it, it's a totally new experience for me.
I think my body is purging years of pent-up sweat. Now that I have succeeded in meeting the magic number (yes...yes...applause...applause) and purging most of the pulcritude, perspiration seems next on the list. I know that sounds insane. Ok, that is insane, and of course I'm totally kidding, but as someone who has spent the majority of her life avoiding exercise - and the sun - yeah, this is a new one on me. It's like I've found my inner medicine man, and he's gone into overdrive - chanting and bringing on the rain after a 36 year drought.
And I say, "Bring it on."
Although it does kind of gross me out (I am at heart a very girly girl, after all), it's true that "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."* And nothing makes me feel stronger or more alive than being out there, just me and my tunes, pushing myself through the next mile, feeling the sun on my shoulders and the breeze against my skin. The rain I create is proof that I have done something marvelous for myself that day. It's a tangible sign that I'm more than alive - I'm thriving! And this is why I run and why I hope I can inspire some of you to get out there and find what makes you feel alive. Whatever it is, be it running or walking or biking or hiking or playing touch football with your kids, for goodness sake! Get out there and sweat! It's gross, but yeah, it's great.
I do seem to do more laundry than I used to, though. I guess I just need to buy more gear!
And my husband has taken to calling me "Sweaty Betty," but I think he could come up with a more clever name, at least one that had SOMETHING to do with "Alison." He's a pretty creative guy, so we'll have to see about that.
Lastly, sorry for the month long delay. We all ended up getting "sidelined" by the Great Plague of 2011 and then immediately went on vacation. We've been back two weeks, and I think we're still recovering. When you go on trips with kids...forget relaxation, Friends...you're just a roadie. And I came back to immediately start a month with TWO summer classes plus work plus kids plus applying for jobs, so I need all the energy those runs can give me. But tonight, I'm plum worn out.
I'm headed off to find some real relaxation in "my spot" on the couch, in my pj's, under a blanket, watching stuff on the DVR and sipping at least one gin & tonic. And then sleep...good sleep...then I'll get up and be Sweaty Betty again.
Until we read again, keep trying for what you're trying for, Friends!
TTYL - Ali
*There will be many more quotes from "Steel Magnolias." This will probably be the only time I actually cite it.
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